It's December 1969 and the members of the Joliet Drama Guild are preparing for their grand
premiere of their painstaking production of A CHRISTMAS CAROL, none more so than Everett
“Evvy” Schupolsky, the austere actor playing Scrooge, who wants this to be a CAROL for the
ages. But panic sets in as spaced-out stage manager Tinkerbell Pavasovic stumbles in saying
that a terrible accident occurred with the Guild Magic Bus the troupe's more political members
borrowed for an anti-war protest at the Ammunition Plant...seems there was a little problem with
their fireworks that blew up not only the bus but the costumes for the show. Everett is devastated,
saying that the freaks and weirdos have ruined his Christmas and the show should be cancelled,
but the hippies, Vietnam vets, Black Panthers, elderly beatniks and tap-dancing activists
assembled at the theater have another idea. With these fabulous flower children bringing the tale
of Scrooge, Bob Crachit, Fezziwig and Tiny Tim (not THAT Tiny Tim) up to the minute, spinning
psychedelic platters and preaching peace on earth, anything can happen...will Everett
Schupolsky and the Joliet Drama Guild learn the real meaning of Christmas and feel good
vibrations before the Swingin’ Sixties come to an end? Sock it to me, baby! A CHRISTMAS
CAROL ‘69 is both a new adaptation of the Dickens classic and a celebration commemorating the
fiftieth anniversary of the most tumultuous and remarkable holiday season in American history.
With spirited renditions of some of the best songs of the 1960s by the area’s finest young singers
and musicians and magnificent choreography by a spectacular team of dance artists, this play is
one the whole family can enjoy together: make a date with the Joliet Drama Guild for a merry
(and most decidedly groovy) CHRISTMAS this year!
A CHRISTMAS CAROL ‘69--Written & Directed by Mark Mason (Artistic Director, Joliet Drama Guild)--Based on the novella by Charles Dickens
Cast: DeOnte Bolden (Neil Robbins) Matthew Dodge (First Sergeant Floyd/Jacob Marley)
Kaitlin Facchina (Christina “Tinkerbell” Pavasovic/Ghost of Christmas Present) Billy Glynn
(Young Ebeneezer Scrooge) Jason Hilton (Chuck Deacon/Charles Dickens) Ted Holste (Everett
“Evvy” Schupolski/Ebeneezer Scrooge) Elyse Lorenz (Caroline Beltz) Charles Lovett (Silent
Stuart Coleman/Ghost of Christmas Future) Beth Mead (Tuesday Archambeau) Liam McGuire
(Freddy Schupolski/Fred/Young Adult Ebeneezer Scrooge) Leana Melville (Faye/Elizabeth
Crachit) Tasha Melville (Tiny Tim Crachit) Jan Novotny (Mama Bebop/Mrs. Fezziwig) Piper
Novotny (Judy Kowalczyk/Christmas Caroler) Tom Novotny (Papa Bebop/Old Fezziwig) Jillian
Queeney (Agatha O’Shea/Fred’s Wife) Claire Roling (Connie Cammerata/Ghost of Christmas
Past) Kalista Roling (Jan Novotny/Belle) Lemonie Stewart (Panther Paul Patterson) Kiera
Sullivan (Belinda Crachit) Jordan Willner (Tom Novotny/Bob Crachit)
Crew/Staff: Matthew Dodge (Technical Director) Michelle Heermann (Producer) Elyse Lorenz
(Music Director) Kalista Roling (Choregrapher)
Schedule: Friday December 20th 7:30pm, Saturday December 21st 7:30pm, and Sunday
December 22nd 2:00pm, all performances at Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park & Theatre,
201 W. Jefferson St., Joliet IL 60432. Reserve tickets by calling (779)227-5172 or purchase at the
door. Adults- $15; Seniors/Students- $13; Children Under 10- $10
Buy tickets here:
It's December 1969 and the members of the Joliet Drama Guild are preparing for their grand
premiere of their painstaking production of A CHRISTMAS CAROL, none more so than Everett
“Evvy” Schupolsky, the austere actor playing Scrooge, who wants this to be a CAROL for the
ages. But panic sets in as spaced-out stage manager Tinkerbell Pavasovic stumbles in saying
that a terrible accident occurred with the Guild Magic Bus the troupe's more political members
borrowed for an anti-war protest at the Ammunition Plant...seems there was a little problem with
their fireworks that blew up not only the bus but the costumes for the show. Everett is devastated,
saying that the freaks and weirdos have ruined his Christmas and the show should be cancelled,
but the hippies, Vietnam vets, Black Panthers, elderly beatniks and tap-dancing activists
assembled at the theater have another idea. With these fabulous flower children bringing the tale
of Scrooge, Bob Crachit, Fezziwig and Tiny Tim (not THAT Tiny Tim) up to the minute, spinning
psychedelic platters and preaching peace on earth, anything can happen...will Everett
Schupolsky and the Joliet Drama Guild learn the real meaning of Christmas and feel good
vibrations before the Swingin’ Sixties come to an end? Sock it to me, baby! A CHRISTMAS
CAROL ‘69 is both a new adaptation of the Dickens classic and a celebration commemorating the
fiftieth anniversary of the most tumultuous and remarkable holiday season in American history.
With spirited renditions of some of the best songs of the 1960s by the area’s finest young singers
and musicians and magnificent choreography by a spectacular team of dance artists, this play is
one the whole family can enjoy together: make a date with the Joliet Drama Guild for a merry
(and most decidedly groovy) CHRISTMAS this year!
A CHRISTMAS CAROL ‘69--Written & Directed by Mark Mason (Artistic Director, Joliet Drama Guild)--Based on the novella by Charles Dickens
Cast: DeOnte Bolden (Neil Robbins) Matthew Dodge (First Sergeant Floyd/Jacob Marley)
Kaitlin Facchina (Christina “Tinkerbell” Pavasovic/Ghost of Christmas Present) Billy Glynn
(Young Ebeneezer Scrooge) Jason Hilton (Chuck Deacon/Charles Dickens) Ted Holste (Everett
“Evvy” Schupolski/Ebeneezer Scrooge) Elyse Lorenz (Caroline Beltz) Charles Lovett (Silent
Stuart Coleman/Ghost of Christmas Future) Beth Mead (Tuesday Archambeau) Liam McGuire
(Freddy Schupolski/Fred/Young Adult Ebeneezer Scrooge) Leana Melville (Faye/Elizabeth
Crachit) Tasha Melville (Tiny Tim Crachit) Jan Novotny (Mama Bebop/Mrs. Fezziwig) Piper
Novotny (Judy Kowalczyk/Christmas Caroler) Tom Novotny (Papa Bebop/Old Fezziwig) Jillian
Queeney (Agatha O’Shea/Fred’s Wife) Claire Roling (Connie Cammerata/Ghost of Christmas
Past) Kalista Roling (Jan Novotny/Belle) Lemonie Stewart (Panther Paul Patterson) Kiera
Sullivan (Belinda Crachit) Jordan Willner (Tom Novotny/Bob Crachit)
Crew/Staff: Matthew Dodge (Technical Director) Michelle Heermann (Producer) Elyse Lorenz
(Music Director) Kalista Roling (Choregrapher)
Schedule: Friday December 20th 7:30pm, Saturday December 21st 7:30pm, and Sunday
December 22nd 2:00pm, all performances at Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park & Theatre,
201 W. Jefferson St., Joliet IL 60432. Reserve tickets by calling (779)227-5172 or purchase at the
door. Adults- $15; Seniors/Students- $13; Children Under 10- $10
Buy tickets here: